Online bullying is not always visible. Talking about it helps stop it.
During the Flemish Week against Bullying, Ketnet is also launching a campaign to make parents aware of cyberbullying. Bullying is becoming less and less visible. It can continue online. Day and night. That is why Ketnet is making a striking and emotional campaign in which this phenomenon is addressed. For example, we invite parents, teachers, confidants, ... to talk about bullying with children.
Our campaign was featured on Fubiz Advertising.
"It hasn't been an easy year for children and it will be teething for a while"

Ketnet - S.T.I.P It - Directors Cut

“But often our actions, and the pioneering role Ketnet plays in eradicating bullying, still remain under the radar of adults,” says Hanne Laureys, brand manager at Ketnet. “It is important that we also involve parents and grandparents, so as many adults as possible, in our story this year.
That is why we are also launching a campaign that is mainly aimed at them. A campaign with which we emphasize the positive impact they can have in this difficult theme. Because they are an essential part of a bullying-free society.”

Client Ketnet / VRT
Agency Lucy
Production Fledge
Producer Diederik Jeangout
Line-Producer Francis Bosschem
Director Sidney Van Wichelen
D.O.P Maxime Desmet
Offline & Online Joris Willems
VFX Studio Plankton
Sound Gregory Caron
Grading Xavier Dockx

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