The Radio1 programme - Hautekiet - is entering its final stretch, because Jan will retire at the end of this year.
After a career of almost 40 years, legendary radio producer Jan Hautekiet is calling it quits. Jan absolutely did not want a tribute campaign. And Lucy and Radio 1 fully understood that. That is why they are not giving his fans, but rather the Hautekiet haters a voice. In the television, radio and social campaign, they are free to complain. They read out their sharpest tweets, full of frustration and annoyance. After which the ironic message follows: Finally. Hautekiet kicks it off.
The Radio 1 programme Hautekiet will be entering its final stretch from 4 to 8 June with five extra long broadcasts on location, a bike tour through Flanders and five free tandem sessions (duo performances). Hautekiet will be kicking things off figuratively and literally. Because Jan will be pedalling all over Flanders by bike, from city to city. And he will also be kicking off Karolien Dedecker's new daily programme, which will be launched on Radio 1 from September.
Client Radio 1
Agency Lucy
Production AMOK
Producer Ann van Steyvoort
Director Benny Vandendriessche
Camera Sam Ostyn
Offline & Online Joris Willems
Grading Florian Keirse
Sound Cobra